• GLE Alert Plus

    Real time Alert system for Ground Level Enhacement (GLE) events which monitors the recordings of each NM station providing data to NMDB.

  • Meteorological Laboratory

    A full physics laboratory for meteorological, renewable energy sources, CO2 effect etc.

  • Services

    We offer our Research and Development Department

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ISNet is a private company established in 2002. It was founded by 3 persons and was originally intended develop scientific measurement systems that focus on meteorological and nuclear applications. During years the company apart from the scientific part develop bussineses as electronic systems integrator for houses and industries. It sales its products and software solution and represents a number of vendors in Greek market. So ISNet has two subdiaries the Scientific and Research and Development that we call ISNet Scientific and the Commercial that we call ISNet commercial. Isnet has involved in a number of scientific projects for your reference see the page projects in this web site.


Our mission

ISNet Scientific develops and manufactures electronic devices, software solutions and database systems especially in the field of meteorological systems, measurement systems, prediction models, security systems, automation and communications. Being flexible and innovative we are capable of bringing technically new solutions to the market.
Our marketing and sales strategy is based on providing permanent and systematic support to customers. Our objective is to make our products user friendly and usefull.
ISNet started in the year 2002 from zero and so far we have good recognition in the Greek market. We have never lacked courage in bringing new thoughts and dreams into existence. While providing training and support to the people who install and use our goods we also carefully listen to their ideas on how to improve what we make. We would really be happy if you would give us a chance to prove to you that ISNet is the right choice for you.

Dr. Christos Sarlanis, Managing Director


Main company activities

Development - this covers the innovation and design of our products.
Production - in this field ISNet provides technical data and support for its products (bill-of-material documentation, the construction of electronic test jigs and quality systems). ISNet internal production department deals with the realisation of short production runs, prototypes and test runs for new products. Regular series production is secured by a number of outsourced production companies, both home and abroad.
Sales and Marketing - the Greek market is based on a network of loyal wholesalers. Expanding this market mainly takes the form of organized training sessions for existing and new installer companies.
Training sessions - ISNet paves the way to co-operating with existing and new installation companies through professional training sessions. Our tried-and-tested training methods which have repeatedly lead to more adoption of our products in the market.

Contact us

Intelligent Systems Networks
Argiroupoleos 91, Argiroupolis
Athens 16451, Greece
T: +30 210 4830600
F: +30 210 4813175
Working time:
Mon-Fri: 10:00 to 18:00

Mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


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Request for collaboration

Small scientific teams go for collaborations and cooperation in implementation of their activities.

ISNet is a growing scientific organization which is looking for smooth implementation of their projects.

We, the team at ISNet, are alive to the rapidly changing trends and provide customized solutions keeping in view the individual needs. We believe in developing mutually beneficial relationships. The relationship will bring mutual benefits.

Benefits of Collaboration:

We believe that together we can bring strong optimization in every project that both together could hanlde.

If you interest in send us a mail to: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Latest News

GLE Alert Plus

Gle Alert plus is real time system which created for SSA Space Weather Coordination Centre (SSCC).



The Neutron Monitor Database (NMDB) Project started in January 2008 and officially ended at January 2010. We still continue support this effort till today. The NMDB was a FP7 project.

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