ISNet has developed a modern and flexible mobile weather station during Nhreas Project. The prototype weather station was installed in three ships, Superferry II and Bluestar Ithaki that are belonging to Bluestar Ferries Marine Company property and Knossos Palace that is belonging to Minoan Lines Marine Company. ISNet has evolved the prototype in a powerful weather station that can be connected in any meteorological transducer and communicate with any telecommunication mean or service. Weather Station uninterruptedly records weather data saves them locally, displays and transmit them. It has been designed for installation on ship or vehicle. It can correct the data taking into account vehicle or ship movement.
Installation on Bluestar Ithaki deck can be seen in this picture. The system consist of a combine wind anemometer and wind vane, a thermometer, a barometer, a GPS system , a digital compass. The telecommunication system is a GPRS modem. The two other ships have the same number of transducer but they have been tested with different kind of telecommunication systems. We have tested GSM data, Inmarsat B and Satellite Internet, finally VHF systems have tested also.
The mobile weather station has been full installed by ISNet. It can display locally the gathered data and create graphs from them. It saves the data in a local database. It can send their data anywhere in the world and it can gather weather forecast charts from anywhere. ISNet collaborated with Arithmetic modeling and weather forecasting team of Athens University. This team produces weather forecasting charts and our weather station is settled to download these charts.
ISNet is a growing scientific organization which is looking for smooth implementation of their projects.
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We believe that together we can bring strong optimization in every project that both together could hanlde.
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Gle Alert plus is real time system which created for SSA Space Weather Coordination Centre (SSCC).
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